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The folks at Sunday Stealing rip off a meme from another blogger each Sunday. They give full credit and a link back to that author’s site, of course — and invite everyone to play along. This week, “The Sometimes Meme” comes from KJ at KJ’s World.

The Sometimes Meme

Sometimes I just need a quiet day like today to sleep late, lounge around the house in my p.j.’s, and enjoy not having to be at a particular place at a specific time.

Sometimes I want to go back to school to get my Ph.D. Then I snap out of it.

Sometimes I like to crawl into bed with Sophie and watch a good chick flick like Sex and the City.

Sometimes all it takes is a kind word and a little compassion.

Sometimes I picture myself thin, tan, rich, and relaxing on a beach.

Sometimes I wish I were more of a “oh-just-go-along-with-the-program” type of person.

Sometimes I find and purchase beautiful jewelry from my favorite pawn shop.

Sometimes I take photos of my kids when they aren’t looking.

Sometimes I look at a particular person, situation or circumstance with great skepticism. It’s a habit because my profession requires me to be skeptical and analytical.

Sometimes I hate Lodi.

Sometimes it’s nice to come home to Lodi and my house because I grew up here and it is all so familiar and comfortable.

Sometimes it hurts when I realize that I will never, ever see or speak to my parents again. Sometimes I forget that they are gone and start to pick up the phone and call them. Then I remember.

Sometimes it makes me happy to just hang out with my kids and dogs, watching television, and chatting about life in general.

Sometimes it’s sad that my only sibling cares more about being with her friends and making a good impression on people around town than for her family.

Sometimes I listen to my heart and do what is right for me, even though I know that my choice is going to meet with someone else’s disapproval.

Sometimes I sleep so soundly that someone could drop a house on me and I probably wouldn’t wake up.

Sometimes I like to watch reality television programs like Project Runway or Top Chef.

Sometimes I feel outraged by bigotry.

Sometimes I rant about bigotry and homophobia.

Sometimes I never, ever want to hear about another friend who has been diagnosed with cancer.

Sometimes I really wonder why I blog.


  1. Shannon H.

    I like watching Top Chef!

    Happy Sunday.

    Shannon H.´s most recent post: Oct 12th: Happy Birthday Skittles

  2. home loans

    We all spend most of the time working as if we are machines. When we sit in a relaxed mood then only such answers and wishes come in our minds but then again we have to stand up on our feet to work. Buddy this is life.

    home loans´s most recent post: Compare Home Loan Rates

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