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What was your first “real” job?

The first job for which I earned money was working in the music department at my high school. I organized and filed music in the library. I believe that I made about $1.25 per hour. When I graduated from high school in 1974, I spent that summer working at Straw Hat Pizza for $2.00 per hour. I saved up enough money to buy myself a beautiful Fender classical guitar. I still have it.


Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity?

A beach. Always a beach.


Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when . . .

I run into a schoolmate and don’t recognize them.

Main Course

What values did your parents instill in you?

Work hard and earn an honest living.
Save money for a “rainy day.”
Never be a burden on others.
Make your own way in the world.  My mother, in particular, always told me to finish my education and establish my own career so that I would be able to earn a living and “never be dependent upon a man.”
Always pay your bills and never be in debt.


Name 3 fads from your teenage years.

Platform shoes.
Mood rings.
For guys: Ugly polyester leisure suits worn with cheesy white fake patent leather shoes and a matching belt.


  1. Pingback: guitar » Blog Archive » Friday’s Feast #169

  2. Beaches can be very inspirational – I’m lucky to live close to several. I also got taught by my mother never to be man-dependent. Have a great weekend!

    Siani’s last blog post..Friday’s Feast

  3. Lori Madison


    I love mood rings.. I think the values your mom gave you are ones that we should all follow. I think if you follow things like this you can save yourself a lot of grief in the future. Blessings…

    Lori Madison’s last blog post..Friday Feast

  4. Nice Friday post! I posted mine, please come by and visit!

    Deb’s last blog post..Fridays Feast for the Brain!

  5. My first job was working in a baseball card shop. I was 12. I got paid in baseball cards at the end of every day. At the time I could not have had a better job.

  6. Definitely a lovely inspiring beach scene.
    Great values for your main course.
    I remember the polyester leisure suits but I only remember the white patent shoes from movies.

    Happy Friday!

    Eleisia’s last blog post..Friday Feast

  7. Kailua Kango

    I know what you mean about the beach. If you ask me, it’s the ONLY place to go for real inspiration. Love that photo!

    • Thank you! I took it in June 2005 when the Stockton Concert Band (in which I play flute) traveled to Hawaii and performed two concerts there. I snapped that photo at sunset from the lawn of the Sheraton Alamoana Hotel in Honolulu where the band had just enjoyed a banquet. We were all hanging out on the grass, digesting and enjoying a little more wine, watching the folks on the beach. 🙂

  8. Hair Loss Solution

    I love the beach too. I liked the picture that you have put up in your post. When I am sad, happy, want to think or just want some time alone with myself then I go to the beach and spend hours and hours gazing at the sea.

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