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The most beautiful wedding I have ever attended.


  1. that’s lovely. πŸ™‚ long overdue, but at least progress is being made. πŸ™‚

  2. Very nice ! it’s a loooooong time ago that I attended a marriage ! In my age now it’s more funerals, lol !

  3. Healthy Schemes

    Wedding is one of the most important part of my life. I like visiting marriages as everyone is happy on this occasion and it gives me a positive energy.

  4. Watch anime Online

    πŸ™‚ Weddings are really fun, especially because you get to eat a lot !!


    Watch anime Online´s most recent blog post..Naruto Shippuden 78 -79 English subbed

  5. What a lovely couple.Let be happy to the end of your life.

  6. busana muslim

    wedding ceremony always interest me,remember my mom told me that, when the vow happen, the devils cry and the angels smile…

    there are now such moment as holy as wedding ceremony,
    people sometimes prepare for that a year before, only to celebrate a few minutes of saying vow… and God bless every marriage…


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