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JHSEsq blogs at Colloquium

My mother (the young girl on the right) and an unidentified friend posed for this photo sitting on a classic vehicle.


  1. Wow! I love the photo. Reminiscent of the simple times. Truly a classic photo.

    Have a great weekend πŸ™‚

    TeacherJulie’s last blog post..by: Sabine

  2. That’s a great photo — classic car, classic ladies, classic clothes and all-around classic vintage photo.

    bonggamom’s last blog post..A Classic

  3. I love the vintage black and white photos. They always have such a story to tell.

    pinkjagxj’s last blog post..30 Day Organizational Challenge

  4. How much fun is that! Great shot.

    SandyCarlson’s last blog post..Strange Attractions: Walls in Color

  5. Hair Loss Solution

    This is amazing classic photograph. And the vehicle also looks great. It’s so difficult to find such vehicles to see now days.

  6. I do like the classic photo you got from your mom. I do wish to find such type of photo from my family but it seems that they have lost it already. Too bad I wasn’t able to share their memories.

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