Thirteen Tips to Help You Resume Your Health & Fitness Program if You Get Off Track - Colloquium
It is going to happen. You are going to "fall off the wagon" occasionally due to special events, vacations, lack of motivation, someone or something in your life sabotaging your efforts . . . When it does happen, there are a number of things you can do to get back on track with your health and fitness program. Here are thirteen tips for us all to keep in mind: 1. Be kind to yourself. You are not perfect. You are never going to achieve perfection. So there is no point in beating yourself up psychologically when you occasionally demonstrate your own humanity. 2. Keep it in perspective. Consider your slip-up. How does it compare to your old habits? Did you fall right back into your old destructive habits or was this different? These days, when I "fall off the wagon," the scenery around me as I'm picking myself up and dusting myself off looks quite different that it used to. So when it happens, I stop and compare my lifestyle before I developed this program for myself and what the program looks like when I am conscientiously following it. Inevitably, I find that my deviation is minor when compared with how I used to live and what my eating habits used to be.